turus terma bahasa Inggris
- turus: column; tower; newspaper column; head; editorial;
- turus: column; tower; newspaper column; head; editorial; pillar
- analisis terma: thermal analysis
- pencemaran terma: thermal pollution
- pengembangan terma: thermal expansion
- sinaran terma: thermal radiation
- ketua turus: chief of staff
- sistem imej pancaran terma: thermal emission imaging system
- jawatankuasa ketua turus: chiefs of staff committee
- jawatankuasa turus tentera: military staff committee
- ketua turus am (rusia): chief of the general staff (russia)
- ketua turus bersama: joint chiefs of staff
- ketua turus gabungan: combined chiefs of staff
- ketua turus pertahanan: chiefs of defence staff
- ketua turus pertahanan (itali): chief of the defence staff (italy)